There are several reasons that you might see account duplicates. The most common instances are the cases below. When in doubt, please do not make any edits to duplicate accounts or transactions in Copilot, and instead contact the Copilot team via the in-app chat for troubleshooting.
Handling New Copies of Existing Cards
If you recently replaced a credit card or were reissued a credit card with a new card number, then you may see two copies of the credit card listed in the Accounts view with the different last four digits for each card.
To resolve this, without making any edits to the accounts, please contact the Copilot team via the in-app chat. We can manually merge the old card data with the new card data to preserve your historic data and make sure you continue to see regular updates for the account.
Handling Incorrect Duplicate Copies of Existing Cards
While this isn't expected behavior, you may see additional copies of their accounts surface, without having taken any action.
In these cases, it may be that the accounts were duplicated due to account churn. When details of an account change (usually a minor update), then the data aggregator marks the original account ID as closed and generates a new account ID. This creates duplicate accounts in Copilot.
You may also see additional copies of your accounts if you incorrectly created a duplicate connection for an institution.
To resolve either of these scenarios, without making any edits to the accounts, please contact the Copilot team via the in-app chat. We can merge the duplicates to preserve your historic data and make sure you continue to see regular updates for the accounts.