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Categories FAQ

Frequently asked questions regarding the different uses of Categories.

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a month ago

Why can’t I delete the ‘other’ category?

The "Other" category is the only category that cannot be deleted, but you can rename it to anything you like. This category is used for transactions that aren’t automatically categorized based on the initial data we get from the data aggregator (for example, Plaid) or don’t have an existing transaction name rule.

If you do not want to allocate monthly spend to the "Other" category, then you can set the budget to $0.

Can I categorize my internal transfers?

We do not support categorizing internal transfer transactions. If you’d like to categorize this transaction, you will need to change the transaction type to ‘Regular.’ Internal transfers don’t count toward your monthly spend. However, you can use the Tags feature to track these transactions.

How can I categorize my income?

We don’t support income categories at this time, but you can use the tag feature to keep track of your different types of income.

What is the difference between an unfilled and filled in bar in my Categories?

The category bar will appear ‘unfilled’ if there's expected spending from an unpaid Recurring. A solid bar means the money has already been spent.

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