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Dashboard FAQ

Frequently asked questions regarding the Dashboard tab.

Kai avatar
Written by Kai
Updated over 2 months ago

Why do I see a spike in my dashboard graph?

The most common reason for a spike in the dashboard graph is cause by recurring transactions. For example, if you didn't setup recurring for rent, mortgage payment, car payment, or etc. When these transactions shows up in Copilot, the dashboard graph will treat them as a regular spending instead of an expected spending.

Why are these categories listed in my Dashboard tab but not others?

The categories you see in your Dashboard tab are decided by the amount of the budget used on a category. More specifically, it’s {spent amount without Recurrings} divided by the budgeted amount.

Why do I continue to see transactions I've already reviewed in my Dashboard tab?

This could be a data caching issue in Copilot. If you have already marked transactions as reviewed, but they keep showing up as needing to be reviewed in the Dashboard tab, please clear the local cache in Copilot. You can do this by navigating to Copilot settings >Advanced > Clear the local cache.

Why do I have see negative Net Income in the beginning of the month?

This is because we haven't received any income transactions for the month to calculate towards your spending. The Net Income value for the month will be the most accurate on the last day of the month.

What Do the Dashboard Line Colors Mean?

Please see the following article for additional information. Dashboard Line Colors

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